

・GID、LGBT 等が対象





2020年2月24日 国内・子宮移植実施への準備(国際連携)




2021年4月 日本産婦人科学会総会にて学会発表



【2020年2月16日 緊急連絡!!】








より安全で安心の子宮移植を実現するために、以下の医学的背景が異なる3チームにて「子宮移植フクロウの会」を設立しました。皆でONE TEAM となり、日本における子宮移植の成功に努めます!


名古屋第二赤十字病院 移植外科(渡井至彦医師・鳴海俊治医師)・産婦人科(山室理医師・加藤紀子医師)



私どもの診療チーム、名古屋第二赤十字病院 移植外科・産婦人科、愛知医科大学解剖学講座(内藤宗和教授・平井宗一教授)との共同研究を開始しました。子宮を摘出するにあたり、ドナー側の侵襲をより低減することを目標にしています。より安全な術式を確立し、安心して子宮移植を受けて頂きたいと考えております。




尚、移植学会に続いて10月6日にJR東京総合病院内で「ロキタンスキー症候群研究会 in 新宿」を開催致します。詳細はこちら

2018年3月26日、ロキタンスキー症候群 専門外来を開設




2014年 日本子宮移植研究会における発表資料(演者;三原 誠)




Suganuma, Hayashi, Mihara et al. Uterus transplantation; Toward Clinical Application in Japan
Reproductive Medicine and Biology (2017年7月号) 詳細はこちら


In recent years, uterus transplantation (UTx) has been applied as the treatment for patients with uterine factor infertility worldwide. Thus, the clinical application of UTx in Japan should be considered through both the history of UTx technology development in the world and future prospects.


Recent information on UTx was collected via a literature survey and the Internet.


Basic research using various animals has been done mainly since 2000. In 2014, the world’s first UTx baby was born in Sweden. In total, 24 UTx procedures have been performed at 10 institutes in nine countries and five births were obtained (as of May, 2017). In Japan, the “Project Team for Uterus Transplantation” initiated UTx experiments in 2008 and the “Japan Society for Uterus Transplantation” was organized in March, 2014. In the rest of the world, the “International Society for Uterus
Transplantation” was established in January, 2016.


Uterus transplantation is still under development as a reproductive medicine tool and organ transplant procedure. A collaborative system that is not limited by facilities and specialties should strive to build an “all-Japan” team.


Kisu I, Mihara M et al.Uterus allotransplantation in cynomolgus macaque: a preliminary experience with non-human primate models.  J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2014 Apr;40(4):907-18. 


Uterine transplantation (UTx) is a potential option for child-bearing in women with uterine infertility. Recovery of uterine function after allogeneic UTx in non-human primates has not been reported. The objective of this study is to establish the functional uterine transplant model in non-human primates.


Uteri of two cynomolgus monkeys were simultaneously removed, cooled at 4°C and perfused with heparin saline. The uteri were interchanged with each other and then orthotopically transplanted. Immunosuppressive protocols included use of three agents (tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and methylprednisolone) in case 1 and two agents (tacrolimus and methylprednisolone) in case 2. Transabdominal ultrasonography, vaginoscopy and biopsy of the transplanted uterine cervix were routinely conducted to monitor rejection after surgery.


The blood concentration of tacrolimus decreased 11 days after surgery and evidence of rejection was found in biopsy of the uterine cervix in both cases. The suspected rejection disappeared 23 days after surgery in case 1 and temporary menstruation resumed at 3 months after surgery. In case 2, blood flow to the uterine artery gradually decreased and the uterus resulted in atrophy due to ischemia, which has been triggered by rejection.


Allogeneic UTx in the cynomolgus monkeys resulted in temporary recovery of menstruation with three immunosuppressants and uterine atrophy with two immunosuppressants. This preliminary experience suggests that recovery of uterine function after allogeneic UTx in non-human primates is possible but more experiments are required. Pubmed


Mihara, Kisu, Hara et al. Uterine autotransplantation in cynomolgus macaques: the first case of pregnancy and delivery.Hum Reprod. 2012 Aug;27(8):2332-40. doi: 10.1093/humrep/des169. Epub 2012 May 30. Pubmed


For women with congenital uterine infertility, or for those who have undergone hysterectomy, uterine transplantation is one of the potential treatments to regain fertility. In this study, we utilized a primate model of uterine transplantation, and evaluated the patency of our microsurgical anastomoses, and the perfusion of the transplanted uterus.

Two female cynomolgus monkeys underwent surgery. We anastomosed two arteries and one vein in Case 1 and two arteries and two veins in Case 2. The arteries used were the uterine arteries and the anastomosis was done to the external iliac artery. We used one of the ovarian veins in both animals, but resected the ovary from the Fallopian tube. Uterine arterial blood flow and uterine size were determined by intraoperative indocyanine green (ICG) angiography and ultrasonography. The biopsy of the uterine cervix was performed after surgery.

ICG angiography showed that the unilateral uterine artery perfused the bilateral uterine bodies and cervix. In Case 1, ICG angiography showed the occlusion of one of the anastomosed arteries during the operation and the uterus appeared atrophied 2 months after operation. In Case 2, the transplanted uterus survived and normal menstruation occurred. The animal achieved a natural pregnancy and was delivered by the Caeserean section due to early separation of the placenta. The newborn suffered fetal distress.

These results show the anastomosis of at least the bilateral uterine arteries and the unilateral ovarian vein is required for uterus transplantation. This is the first report of a natural pregnancy in a primate following uterine autotransplantation.

【日本語要旨/2017年度 日本形成外科学会総会にて発表】



子宮性不妊症患者は、産児を得ることは不可能である。 そのため、子宮移植技術の開発と倫理問題解決が急務である。我々はマイクロサージャリーの最新技術・知識・経験を用いて、子宮移植の移植術式を確立してきたので、ここに報告する。

カニクイザル 8頭中、6 頭で自家子宮移植を実施し、 2頭にて他家移植を実施した。さらに臨床応用への準備として助産学学生8名のレポート調査及び、一般人3000名へアンケート調査を実施した。

自家移植においては、 6頭中3 頭で生理再開、 1頭において妊娠・出産に成功した。他家移植例においては生理再開を 2頭中1 頭において認めた。アンケート調査に関しては、代理母希望者が 20.3%で、子宮移植希望者は 23%であった。

自然妊娠・出産(自家移植)、生理再開(他家移植)という結果は、いずれも非ヒト霊長類を用いた世界初の成功例であった。 2015年は海外でヒト子宮移植が実施、移植後の妊娠成功が報告された。現段階における子宮移植の基礎研究と臨床研究における現状を報告する。本基礎研究を基礎として、世界に於いては子宮移植が実際に行われ、産児を得ている。日本に於いても、より低侵襲かつ、高成功率の術式を再建外科技術を用いて開発し、臨床応用を実施する時期が来たといえる。本プロジェクトは、形成外科医療チームと、産婦人科医療チームの合同チームで到達し、日本での臨床応用準備を行っている。GIDへの子宮移植応用に加え、顔面移植・手の移植が日本において根付くためにはどのような課題が残っているのか検討したい。




Mihara, Kisu, Hara et al. Uterus autotransplantation in cynomolgus macaques: intraoperative evaluation of uterine blood flow using indocyanine green.Hum Reprod. 2011 Nov;26(11):3019-27.  Pubmed


Uterus transplantation may be the only theoretical option for some women, for example, those with congenital uterine infertility or who have undergone hysterectomy. In this study, we evaluated the intra- and post-operative blood flow conditions of vascular anastomosed regions and the blood-perfused area of the transplanted uterus in a cynomolgus macaque model of uterus autotransplantation.

Female cynomolgus monkeys (n = 6) underwent surgery: the first two animals were used to study the pelvic vascular anatomy and the remaining four animals were used for uterus autotransplantation. We used indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescent angiography during surgery to assess blood perfusion in the vascular anastomosed region and uterine area. After surgery, the uterine size, presence or absence of the endometrium and blood flow rates in the uterine artery and vein were evaluated using Doppler ultrasonography.

[RESULTS] Uterine arterial and venous anastomoses succeeded in all four animals that underwent autotransplantation. Intraoperative ICG fluorescence angiography showed favorable blood flow in the vascular anastomosed regions and the entire uterus received a sufficient blood supply from a single uterine artery. Favorable blood flow in the uterine artery and vein immediately after surgery was shown by Doppler ultrasonography. Ultimately, three out of four animals died within 3 months following surgery because of reduced feeding and loss of body strength.

ICG fluorescence angiography can be used for simple evaluation of real-time blood flow conditions in the anastomosed uterine artery, vein and uterine area and can facilitate the success rate of uterus transplantation.


形成外科専門医 三原誠


  1. 医学的エビデンスをもとに、最善の診断・治療技術を提供します。
  2. あなたに合ったオーダーメイドのリンパ浮腫治療を実践します。
  3. 低侵襲の根治的治療を実践します。
  4. 患者さんや、ご家族の生涯をサポート致します。
  5. (子宮性)不妊症もどげんかせんといかん! ※子宮移植研究

  • JR東京総合病院(新宿駅 直結)
  • モミの木診療所(代々木駅 徒歩2分)
  • ベテル南新宿診療所(新宿駅、JR東京総合病院より徒歩3分)

